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40 Results Found
AHA, Others File Amicus Brief Opposing Sanofi 340B Rebate Model
On March 6, AHA, others filed an amicus brief opposing the Sonafi 340B rebate model.
AHA, Others File Amicus Brief Opposing Eli Lilly, Bristol Meyers Squibb and Novartis 340B Rebate Models
AHA, others file amicus brief opposing Eli Lilly, Bristol Meyers Squibb and Novartis 340B rebate models.
AHA, Others File Amicus Brief Supporting HRSA Decision to Reject 340B Rebate Model Policies
AHA, others file amicus brief supporting HRSA decision to reject 340B rebate model policies.
AHA, Others File Amicus Brief In Fourth Circuit In Support Of West Virginia Contract Pharmacy Law
AHA, others file amicus brief in Fourth Circuit in support of West Virginia contract pharmacy law.
AHA, Others File Amicus Brief Opposing J&J 340B Rebate Model
AHA, others file amicus brief opposing J&J 340B rebate model.
AHA, Others File Amicus Brief in Fourth Circuit in Support of Maryland 340B Contract Pharmacy Law
AHA, others file amicus brief in Fourth Circuit in support of Maryland 340B contract pharmacy law.
AHA Defends Mississippi Law to Protect 340B Pricing for Contract Pharmacies
AHA, Others Challenge PhRMA in Court Filings to Defend Mississippi’s 340B Contract Pharmacy Law
AHA, others challenge PhRMA in court filings to defend Mississippi’s 340B contract pharmacy law.
Amicus Brief: AHA, Others in Case to Defend Mississippi’s 340B Contract Pharmacy Law
AHA, others file amicus brief in case to defend Mississippi’s 340B contract pharmacy law.
AHA, Others Challenge Novartis in Court Filings to Defend Mississippi’s 340B Contract Pharmacy Law
AHA, others challenge Novartis in court filings to defend Mississippi’s 340B contract pharmacy law .