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10 Results Found

Speaking Up for Priorities That Will Help Hospitals Advance Health for Patients and Communities

It is important to use the August recess that begins next week as an opportunity to engage senators and representatives while they are back home. It is critical for federal lawmakers to understand the challenges hospitals and health systems face.

Anti-hospital Group Misleads on Site-neutral Impact on Rural Access to Care

Once again, the anti-hospital, billionaire-backed Arnold Ventures is pushing its anti-hospital agenda with a “report” that is so disingenuous and has so many limitations that it cannot be t

Setting the Record Straight: Washington Post Editorial on Site-neutral Deeply Flawed and Poorly-timed

A March 14 editorial in the Washington Post calling for Congress to enact so-call

ACTION NEEDED: March Government Funding Deadlines with Billions in Cuts to Hospital Care Possible

Congress will return home for a short recess over the President’s Day holiday on Feb. 19. During this period, AHA members are urged to connect with their lawmakers to request hospitals are protected in new bills to fund the government beyond two March deadlines.

Take Action Now to Protect Patient Care

As congressional leaders continue to hammer out annual spending bills ahead of the Jan. 19 and Feb. 2 deadlines to fund various agencies, a number of important issues affecting hospitals and health systems are being considered.

Keeping up the Pressure to Protect Access to Care

As we’ve seen from recent media reports, Congress — and especially the House right now — continues to struggle to put together a plan to keep the government funded and avoid a potential shutdown that few want to see.

Standing Up to Protect Patient Access to Care and Services

With only 11 days that the House and Senate are in session together before the fiscal year concludes, much of the attention in Washington is on how Congress will fund the government and whether there will be a government shutdown.

Make August Count: Host Your Lawmakers at Your Hospital

Legislators need to be aware of the work that hospitals and health systems do now more than ever because the House and Senate are considering so-called site-neutral legislation that would further reduce Medicare funding for patient services provided by hospitals.

Perspective: Making Sure Hospitals Have the Resources to Care for Patients and Communities

we are deeply concerned that last week’s Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services proposed rule would increase Medicare hospital outpatient prospective payment system rates by just 2.7% in calendar year 2023 compared to 2022. Given the current historic rates of inflation and continued labor and supply cost pressures, a much higher update is warranted.

Perspective: Rallying Support to Prevent Medicare Cuts that Threaten Access to Care

The AHA has been making the case to CMS urging it to adjust the market-basket update to account for the unprecedented inflationary environment hospitals and health systems are experiencing, and eliminate the productivity cut. We also have asked Congress to weigh in with the agency to make these changes in its final regulation.