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267 Results Found

Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS)

Find out what Medicare's Inpatient Prospective Payment System IPPS in healthcare is. More than three-quarters of the nation's inpatient acute-care hospitals are paid under the inpatient prospective payment system, while nearly a quarter are paid based on costs and are called Critical Access Hospitals. The IPPS pays a flat rate based on the average charges across all hospitals for a specific diagnosis, regardless of whether that particular patient costs more or less. What is Inpatient PPS?

Overview of Proposed IPPS Rule (FY) 2026

This webinar will provide an overview of the released CMS proposed rule for the fiscal year (FY) 2026 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS).

AHA Statement to House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health for Hearing March 11, 2025

Post-acute care is provided to patients who have been discharged from an acute-care hospital but still require services such as close medical supervision, nursing care, therapies and other support.

Advocacy Issue: Site-Neutral Payment Proposals

Hospitals and their associated facilities provide access to critical services that are not otherwise always available in the community and they treat patients with very severe conditions. Payment proposals that attempt to treat hospital outpatient departments the same as independent physician offices and other ambulatory sites of care ignore the very different level of care provided by hospitals and the needs of the patients and communities cared for in that setting.

AHA Site-neutral Advocacy Alliance

The AHA’s Site-neutral Advocacy Alliance will meet on Thursday, March 6 at 2 p.m. ET. This call will feature updates on the various site-neutral provisions Congress may be considering soon as well as an overview of new advocacy materials available to help with your outreach on this issue.

Fact Sheet: Facility Fees

Facility fees are the portion of a health care treatment bill that covers all the costs of delivering patient care, except for those that are billed by physicians and other professionals.
Member Non-Fed

Contact Your Lawmakers and Urge Them to Extend Key Health Care Policies Set to Expire Next Month

Please ask your senators and representatives to prevent Medicaid disproportionate share hospital payment cuts from taking effect; extend enhanced low-volume adjustment and Medicare-dependent hospital programs that expand access to care in rural areas; and extend telehealth and hospital-at-home waivers.

Converting to Rural Emergency Hospitals

In this discussion, two rural health care leaders assess how the conversion to Rural Emergency Hospital is proceeding, and how to build trust and buy-in from patients and communities.

Fact Sheet: Medicare Hospital Outpatient Site-Neutral Payment Policies

The AHA strongly opposes site-neutral payment cuts, which would reduce access to critical health care services, especially in rural and other underserved communities.

HPA OPPS Rate Comparison Tables for 2025

Three HPA OPPS Rate Comparison Tables for 2025.