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34 Results Found
Experts aim to get ahead of hackers who may target medical devices
A group of cybersecurity experts, representing everyone from NASA to academic medicine, formed a committee targeting the small but potentially lethal threat in which a hacker takes control of a medical device, an act known by some as “medjacking.”
AI Is Coming to Health Care: Do You Know How Your Workforce Will be Impacted?
HR Pulse Article
[HR PULSE ARTICLE]: By Lindsey Dunn Burgstahler
The growing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in health care promises opportunities for improvement in areas including but not limited to diagnostic accuracy, treatment efficacy, patient outcomes and patient and clinician experience. AI will enable standardization of best practices while allowing for further personalization of treatment options and care pathways — supporting high-value care that improves the health of individuals and populations.
How to Effectively Leverage Background Screening Technology
[HR Pulse Article] By Matt Jaye
The current COVID-19 pandemic has presented many challenges for health care employers. Hospitals and health systems have experienced a surge in emergency room and critical care activity, resulting in increased hiring for positions such as ER doctors, nurses, respiratory specialists and lab technicians. Since the beginning of the pandemic, job postings for in-demand health care roles have increased 35%, according to LinkedIn. At the same time, a fall in demand for elective procedures and routine medical care has resulted in employee furloughs at more than 260 hospitals across the country.
Artificial Intelligence: Think Friend, Not Foe
HR Pulse Article
With clinicians in many hospitals still struggling with, and grumbling about, EHRs, it’s natural for health care HR leaders to view the buzz about yet another highly touted technology — artificial intelligence (AI) — with an abundance of caution.
Supply Chain Technology Can Transform Data to Insights
Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
This article is from the November/December 2016 issue of the AHRMM member-only magazine, Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions. When supply chain analytics are enabled by the r
Inclusive Teams and Unlocked Silos Can Increase Cost Savings
Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
This article is from the November/December 2016 issue of the AHRMM member-only magazine, Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions.
Adopting RFID in Healthcare
Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
This article is from the November/December 2016 issue of the AHRMM member-only magazine, Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions.