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7 Results Found

HHS releases information blocking rule related to care access 

The Department of Health and Human Services Dec. 16 published a final rule implementing certain provisions related to information blocking exceptions. The rule revises defined terms related to protecting access to care for purposes of the information blocking regulations.

HHS awards $2 million to Columbia University Hospital, OHSU for responsible AI, behavioral health IT projects

The Department of Health and Human Services Sept. 17 announced it has awarded a total of $2 million to two recipients to create tools to improve care delivery, advance research capabilities and address emerging challenges related to interoperable health information technology.

HHS releases proposed rule designed to improve patient engagement, information sharing, interoperability 

The Department of Health and Human Services July 10 released a proposed rule designed to improve health information sharing and interoperability.

ONC releases federal strategic plan for electronic health information

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology March 27 released for comment through May 28 a federal strategic plan for health information technology over the next five years.

AHA podcast: Is ChatGPT practical for health care data analytics?

AHA experts discuss how ChatGPT and artificial intelligence are transforming health care data analytics and some of the potential pitfalls.

Individual hospitals, state associations support AHA lawsuit and urge court to set aside OCR online tracking rule 

Seventeen state hospital associations and 30 hospitals and health systems Jan. 12 filed friend-of-the-court briefs supporting the AHA in its lawsuit challenging a Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights rule that restricts the use of standard third-party web technologies that capture IP addresses on portions of hospitals’ public-facing webpages.

Chair File: Nurses Are Key Innovation Partners in Health Care

For example, at Carolinas HealthCare System, a team led by nurses optimized the electronic health record process by reducing documentation, removing duplicate records and organizin