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49 Results Found
IT as a Strategic Resource
Trustee Articles
Information technology can be the catalyst in transforming the health care delivery system.
Interoperability: What Boards Need to Know
Trustee Articles
For hospitals and health systems interoperability means applying this concept to the sharing of information in electronic health records (EHRs) and other health information through a fluid process that gives multiple providers in multiple locations actionable information to support safe and quality care and to engage patients in their own care.
Understanding the True Cost of Clinical Technology
Trustee Articles
For the past few years, “prices” in health care have generated some eye-popping headlines in the press — most notably drug prices. It is not news to anyone in health care that the prices providers pay for drugs and for health care technology seem to rise every year. Further, providers face the daunting task of needing to buy ever-increasing amounts of technology just to keep pace with clinical innovation.
Health Care 2.0 and Beyond
Trustee Articles
A three-stage framework can help boards to identify information technology priorities
HHS Publishes TEFCA Provisions of Health Data, Technology and Interoperability Rule
The Department of Health and Human Services Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Dec. 16 published a final rule implementing provisions related to the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA)
HHS releases information blocking rule related to care access
The Department of Health and Human Services Dec. 16 published a final rule implementing certain provisions related to information blocking exceptions. The rule revises defined terms related to protecting access to care for purposes of the information blocking regulations.
Strategies For Success In A Growing Ambulatory Surgery Center Market
To increase surgical capacity, hospitals are investing in ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) and using technology improve efficiency and outcomes.
Amicus Brief: AHA, Electronic Health Record Association In Support of PointClickCare Technologies, Inc.
Amicus Brief: AHA, Electronic Health Record Association In Support of PointClickCare Technologies, Inc, re: information blocking and health information IT.
HHS awards $2 million to Columbia University Hospital, OHSU for responsible AI, behavioral health IT projects
The Department of Health and Human Services Sept. 17 announced it has awarded a total of $2 million to two recipients to create tools to improve care delivery, advance research capabilities and address emerging challenges related to interoperable health information technology.
HHS Proposes Expansion of Health Data, Technology and Interoperability Rule
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), released the Health Data, Technology, and Interoperability: Patient Engagement, Information Sharing, and Public Health Interoperability (HTI-2) proposed rule for public comment.