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IT as a Strategic Resource
Trustee Articles
Information technology can be the catalyst in transforming the health care delivery system.
Interoperability: What Boards Need to Know
Trustee Articles
For hospitals and health systems interoperability means applying this concept to the sharing of information in electronic health records (EHRs) and other health information through a fluid process that gives multiple providers in multiple locations actionable information to support safe and quality care and to engage patients in their own care.
Understanding the True Cost of Clinical Technology
Trustee Articles
For the past few years, “prices” in health care have generated some eye-popping headlines in the press — most notably drug prices. It is not news to anyone in health care that the prices providers pay for drugs and for health care technology seem to rise every year. Further, providers face the daunting task of needing to buy ever-increasing amounts of technology just to keep pace with clinical innovation.
Health Care 2.0 and Beyond
Trustee Articles
A three-stage framework can help boards to identify information technology priorities
Experts aim to get ahead of hackers who may target medical devices
A group of cybersecurity experts, representing everyone from NASA to academic medicine, formed a committee targeting the small but potentially lethal threat in which a hacker takes control of a medical device, an act known by some as “medjacking.”
Artificial Intelligence - The Next Revolution in Information Technology
Trustee Articles
Boards need to understand artificial intelligence to evaluate its evolving benefits and risks.
HIT Meaningful Use - Requirements
Hospitals interested in receiving a meaningful use incentive payment must: