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10 Results Found

Community Health and Environment

Guidance and resources to support hospitals’ efforts to assess, plan for and respond to the environment’s impact on community health.

Collection and Use of Data to Drive Action

Using quantitative and qualitative data to inform, design, and evaluate improvement strategies.

Reducing Health Care Disparities

AHA is focusing on ensuring that everyone in the U.S. has access to the care they need when they need it, and that it is safely and efficiently delivered.

IFDHE - Institute for Diversity and Health Equity

Issue Landing Page
Institute for Diversity and Health Equity homepage. It is our vision to empower health organizations to provide equitable care for all persons. Our mission is to advance health care equity, diversity and inclusion.

The Hospital Community Collaborative (HCC) | Center

The Hospital Community Collaborative provides resources to hospitals and community organizations seeking to collaborate to accelerate health equity.

Systemic and Shared Accountability

Creating infrastructure to maintain accountability to sustain DEI work across departments and service lines.

Diverse Representation in Leadership and Governance

Creating pathways that lead to diversifying leadership ranks to reflect the populations and communities served.

Equitable and Inclusive Organizational Policies

Applying a DEI lens to organizational policies and supporting an equitable and inclusive climate and culture.

Social Determinants of Health Series

The AHA is working to support hospitals and health systems as they address social determinants of health, eliminate health care disparities and provide comprehensive care to every patient in every community—all of which improve community health.

Health Equity and Value

Ensuring that essential, high-quality health care services are available in all communities should not be impacted by socioeconomic conditions, background or merely by your ZIP code. We believe hospitals and health systems have a great opportunity to improve the health of individuals and partner with the communities they serve.