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473 Results Found

Accelerating Health Equity Conference | AHA - Homepage

A time to connect and collaborate to advance community health, well-being, and equity, presented by ACHI and IFDHE.

Recruiting for a Diverse Health Care Board

Adding diverse members to a hospital’s or health system’s board can change the board’s culture for the better.

2025 AHA Leadership Summit

The 2025 AHA Leadership Summit, July 20-22, brings together senior health care executives, clinicians and experts in the field presenting innovative approaches for delivering better care and greater value, ensuring financial stability, addressing workforce challenges and improving the health care consumer experience through operational excellence, creative partnerships and redefined delivery models.

Maternal Health: Person-centered Care

To work toward eliminating known health disparities, AHA has developed numerous resources that emphasize the importance and impact of person-centered care.

A New Model for Care Equity

Trustee Articles
Increasing diversity in health care leadership and eliminating care disparities are critical to ensuring high-quality care for all. The renamed Institute for Diversity and Health Equity has created a new model for the American Hospital Association’s (AHA) continued work on these issues and is engaging broader participation.

Community Health and Environment

Guidance and resources to support hospitals’ efforts to assess, plan for and respond to the environment’s impact on community health.

About the Community Health and Environment Initiative

Background about why the initiative was founded, what it seeks to achieve, what it bases its work on and what its deliverables are.

Health Equity as an Imperative

Lawrence General Hospital provides high-quality care to some of the state’s most vulnerable patients by making health equity a strategic priority.

Using Innovation to Advance Health Equity

Our most recent Health Equity Innovation Summit took place Oct. 10 in AHA’s Region 6, which includes members from North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri and Minnesota. This one-day event brought together C-suite hospital leaders, community members and patient advocates to explore regional challenges and co-develop potential solutions to accelerate actions to advance health equity.

Leading Towards Health Equity: What Juneteenth Means for Health Care

The Meharry School of Global Health is the realization of a promise made by Meharry Medical College almost 150 years ago — a promise born out of the legacy of Juneteenth and the ending of the Civil War.