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94 Results Found
The Future of Skill Building
Magazine & Journal Articles
We are in a renaissance. The rate of change in the healthcare marketplace is moving at an accelerated pace. There are more opportunities than ever before for healthcare strategists, but there are greater challenges to refine and build upon their skillsets in preparation for an unknown future. Read about the skills and attributes necessary to succeed in a rapidly evolving healthcare environment.
6 Things Your CEO Needs from You
Magazine & Journal Articles
General Colin Powell once said, "Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand." It's no secret
Turning Town Hall Meetings Into Game-Changing Performance Sessions
Magazine & Journal Articles
To help increase employee engagement, the marketing team at Dayton Children's Hospital re-christened their town hall meetings as Game-Changing Performance Sessions, or GPS. Read about the factors and critical takeaways that contributed to the success of the GPS sessions.
How to Create a Strategic Plan With Organizationwide Buy-In in 6 Months
Magazine & Journal Articles
In 2017, Huggins Hospital in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, had a fairly new leadership team and an outdated strategic plan. They realized it would be valuable to bring in an outside partner, so they asked Stratasan to guide them through the process of updating their plan. This article discusses the five-step planning process developed to address each of their goals for growth.
We ARE Environmental Services
Magazine & Journal Articles
Environmental services in hospitals and health care facilities fight to control the spread of pathogens and improve patient outcomes.
Journal Article: Violence in the Health Care Workplace and ERM Solutions
Earn 1 Continuing Education Credit with JHRM article "Violence in the Health Care Workplace and ERM Solutions."
Contribute to HR Pulse Magazine
Magazine & Journal Articles
ASHHRA is looking for your stories! Your health care HR colleagues want to read about your best practices and case examples. With your permission, your article could be published in any ASHHRA publication.
The Intentional Design and Promotion of a Culture of Recognition
HR Pulse Article
A recent study by the Deloitte Center for health solutions examines whether healthcare institutions are ready for the workforce transformation needed to address trends such as generational changes, emerging technology, flexible labor markets and the growth of health care consumerism. Most health care executives understand the magnitude of these shifts, yet many organizations are struggling with the day-to-day reality of the labor shortage for qualified health care workers. According to recent reports, the U.S. will need to produce over a million new registered nurses by 2022 to fulfill the country's health care needs.
The Health Care Disruptors: How They Will — and Won’t — Change HR
HR Pulse Article
Here are three questions to keep you up at night (just in case your thoughts aren’t already racing a million miles an hour with all you already have on your plate): Will companies like Amazon, Google, Apple and Walmart compete with or augment hospitals? If the health care business is so bad, why do so many powerful companies want to get into it? How will dramatically higher life expectancies impact the health care HR profession?