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29 Results Found

Development of a Physician Workforce Planning Model

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Carlion Clinic needed better insight into physician demand. The goal was the team was tasked with developing a model to project the organization's primary care and specialty physician needs over the next five years.

Bridging New Paths: Competencies Needed for Transformational Healthcare Strategists

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Applicable to all levels of personnel, this competency model can be used not only to guide development conversations, but also to put an accountable structure and focus around your development plans.

Business Planning Part A: Implications of Bridging Worlds on Business Planning . . . Steps to Better Identify and Capture Growth (Advanced)

Presentation Resource
This presentation will provide an overview of the challenges the current healthcare environment places on traditional planning processes, the imperative for change, a new approach to planning based on best practices from across the country, and a guide to applying this new approach to planning in your organization.

Planning 2020: Managing More Stakeholders, More Data, and More Unknowns . . . With Less Time (Advanced)

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In this session you will learn how progressive strategy teams are restructuring, reprioritizing, and reskilling to take on new roles and responsibilities, and how you can position your team to drive change, rather than be driven by it.

Bridging Worlds as a Model for Building and Advancing Integrated Strategy Teams

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How can the attributes and skills highlighted in Bridging Worlds be applied to take your team to the next level? This session will allow participants to explore these concepts through real-world case studies, gaining practical knowledge to apply within their own organizations.

Competencies and Your Career: ADVANCE-ing as a Strategist, Aiming for the C-Suite

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Hear how leaders in the health care strategy have leveraged critical skills to advance their careers. Learn important considerations for pursuing an advanced degree in health care management, and the essential groundwork for competency-driven advancement. Understand several relevant competency models, those that focus on strategists' skills, those that are critical to exceptional innovative leadership.

An Agile Strategic Planning Process Inviting Diverse Team Participation, Coalition Building, and Open Collaboration

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Using techniques such as small group meetings, large group meetings, and a coalition of participants (crossing the organization horizontally and vertically), Huggins facilitated conversations for quick strategy and action planning.

Network Leadership-Capacity Teams Trump Competence Building

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An interactive “fishbowl” discussion between 4 panelists and rotating members of the audience about how to design a Health System Fellowship that implements SHSMD Bridging Worlds as an internal Engine of Innovation.

Challenged by Your Organization's Culture? Learn How to Change Defiance Into Delight Through This Culture Change Process

Presentation Resource
In this session we will help you: 1. Better understand different types of cultures; 2. Use a tool, Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) to see what your culture is today and what you want it to become; 3. Work on an effective 6-step process you can use to begin to change your organization’s culture.

Regular or Extra Crispy: Lessons From the Field in Addressing Burnout

Presentation Resource
Hear a national perspective on the implications and drivers of burnout and how organizations are refocusing on purpose to improve health care delivery and support their teams.