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2 Results Found

Allyship Skills for Health Care Professionals: How to Be an Active Ally and Advocate for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

[WEBINAR] Health care is a team sport. Interdisciplinary teams excel when we respect and remain focused on the shared vision, mission and values. We work together to continuously improve lives, we all play a part in shaping and living the culture of our organizations, and we are all called to make meaningful contributions with a lasting positive impact. This webinar is designed to assist participants in being active allies/advocates for diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Participants will learn how to be more active in advocacy, making a commitment to shape the experiences of marginalized groups in the workplace, and create impactful contributions in the health care field.

Podcast: Hospital diversity leaders discuss opportunity for hospital-led race conversations and changes.

[PODCAST] On this AHA podcast, Juana Slade, director of diversity and language services at AnMed Health, and Anton Gunn, hospital chief diversity officer and executive director of community health innovation at MUSC Health, shared their reactions to the senseless killing of another unarmed black person, as well as advice for hospital leaders to bring hope to staff, colleagues and communities during these difficult times.