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12 Results Found
Problems, Possibilities, and People: Using Human-Centered Design to Create and Scale Change for Teams Apr 9
Do Tank shares techniques and case study examples to help engage key audiences, dive deep into the ‘problems to solve’, and test new ideas. A particular focus will be paid to design canvases and methods, along with the art of generating the understanding and ownership needed to inspire a collective will to change (rather than just a management directed one).
Stronger Together: A Simulation-Based Approach to TeamSTEPPS for Medical Trainees
UT Southwestern Medical Center created a simulation-based curriculum, grounded in TeamSTEPPS, to teach incoming medical trainees critical teamwork and communication skills early in their training. Learn how to design and implement a structured training program that equips new medical trainees with the confidence and collaboration skills needed to excel in their practice.
Enhancing Collaboration: Leveraging TeamSTEPPS for Nonclinical Success
This webinar introduces TeamSTEPPS concepts and tools to enhance teamwork, communication and leadership from a nonclinical perspective. Learn how to make meetings more meaningful and empower all team members to voice their concerns confidently. You will walk away with facilitation strategies to teach TeamSTEPPS tools nonclinically, along with innovative ways to integrate TeamSTEPPS beyond direct patient care. (Webinar presented July 10, 2024)
The Future of Obstetrics: The Latest Practices Improving Maternal Outcomes
In this webinar, health care leaders dive into the latest education advancements and adult learning science for ensuring a thriving and engaged clinical team that delivers high-quality OB care and improves maternal outcomes. These leaders discuss interdisciplinary nurse models for improved teamwork, efficient onboarding of new nurses, and effective strategies to meet competency and learning styles for staff on hand. (Webinar presented August 16, 2023)
Teaching Ethnocultural Empathy to Reduce Health Disparities
Presenter: Dr. Maranda C. Ward, Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Research and Leadership.
Ethnocultural empathy is empathy towards racial and ethnic minorities, and is a requisite competency in eliminating health disparities. In this webinar, Dr. Ward will provide participants with a few key applications from the new, research-informed curriculum at the George Washington (GW) School of Medicine and Health Services. To create this new curriculum, GW faculty led a mixed-methods study to determine course format and content most suitable for teaching and assessing empathy among traditional and non-traditional learners working with racial and ethnic minorities in a range of health care settings.
Teaching Ethnocultural Empathy to Reduce Health Disparities
Presenter: Dr. Maranda C. Ward, Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Research and Leadership.
Ethnocultural empathy is empathy towards racial and ethnic minorities, and is a requisite competency in eliminating health disparities. In this webinar, Dr. Ward will provide participants with a few key applications from the new, research-informed curriculum at the George Washington (GW) School of Medicine and Health Services. To create this new curriculum, GW faculty led a mixed-methods study to determine course format and content most suitable for teaching and assessing empathy among traditional and non-traditional learners working with racial and ethnic minorities in a range of health care settings.
Value Initiative: Unconscious Bias: From Awareness to Action
Building a culture of value requires addressing human behaviors, including unconscious bias.
Value Initiative: Improving Value through Evidence-Based Training
During this session, you will learn how professionals responsible for caring for the patient and resident care environment can improve both value and outcomes.
Integrating TeamSTEPPS® into Simulation and Team Debriefing
TeamSTEPPS provides a functional model for the development of interprofessional collaboration, and simulation experiences offer learners the chance to apply the principles and strategies in a safe
A Healthy Workforce – A Prescription for Talent Engagement and Positive Financial Impact
1 - 2 p.m. Eastern; noon - 1 p.m. Central; 10 - 11 a.m. Pacific