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3 Results Found

Community Health as a Strategic Asset for Redesigning Care Delivery and Accelerating Health Equity

There is now consensus about what health care leaders and practitioners have long known: The conditions in which people live are major drivers of health and well-being.

The Next Wave of Emergency Preparedness in Health Care

In November, the American Hospital Association hosted a panel session discussing the “next wave of emergency preparedness,” at Becker’s 10th Annual CEO + CFO Roundtable in Chicago. This session centered on three priority areas that health care leaders must address to prepare, respond and recover from future public health emergencies: strengthening cross-sector partnerships, building workforce capacity and resilience, and fostering a culture of preparedness.

Putting Age-Friendly Care Principles into Action

Health care organizations receive free guidance on providing age-friendly care, part of the seven-month Age-Friendly Health Systems Action Community led by the American Hospital Association