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11 Results Found

White Paper: Recognizing and Managing Bias in the Ambulatory Health Care/Outpatient Setting

The Recognizing and Managing Bias white paper series uses real-world scenarios to illustrate common biases present in health care settings.

Addressing Commercial Health Plan Abuses to Ensure Fair Coverage for Patients and Providers

Health care coverage is eroding for many Americans as some health insurers are restricting access to services through administrative barriers and inappropriately withholding reimbursement from prov

Grady Health System's Transformation from Traditional Value Analysis to Value Based Product Selection

White Papers
This case study provides a review of Grady Health System’s transformation from traditional Value Analysis Joint Product Review Team structure to Value Based Selection Committees which promote share

Cost, Quality, and Outcomes: The Supply Chain Value Equation

White Papers
The paper presents healthcare supply chain tools and strategies for navigating the Cost, Quality, and Outcomes (CQO) Movement, and explores new initiatives designed to advance the supply chain from

Contract Management - Going Beyond the Signed Agreement

White Papers
The purpose of this paper is to share lessons learned and successes in contract management.

Supply Utilization: Expanding Supply Savings Efforts

White Papers
This paper provides a case-study on what Banner has done to implement and continuously improve this initiative. Three key components to successful supply utilization savings are reviewed.

Elevating the Supply Chain Profession and Futurecast An Executive Thought Leaders Event

White Papers
On August 8, 2011, the Association for Health Care Resource & Materials Management hosted an Executive Thought Leader Event, sponsored by VHA.

AHRMM18 CQO Summit White Paper

White Papers
2018 AHRMM CQO Summit: Each year at the annual AHRMM Cost, Quality and Outcomes (CQO) Summit, participants throughout the healt

System Chief Nurse Executive White Paper

White Papers
As the U.S.