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27 Results Found
We Are AHA: Behavioral Health
Behavioral health providers that are members of the American Hospital Association add their voice and influence to the nation’s leading advocate for hospitals and health systems. The AHA provides its behavioral health members with valuable benefits, including advocacy, resources and initiatives designed to improve access to and strengthen the delivery of affordable, high-quality behavioral health care.
Geisinger’s Behavioral Health Care Transformation
Learn how Iris Telehealth helped Geisinger Health dramatically reduce its referral queue of behavioral health patients waiting for care at-scale.
Circle of Life Award: Celebrating Innovation in Palliative and End-of-Life Care
The Circle of Life Award recognizes excellence in palliative and end-of-life care. Download the 2025 application now.
Healthy Heart, Healthy Pregnancies
This resource highlights the risk factors and disparities that contribute to heart conditions in pregnancy, shares actionable solutions for providers, and offers strategies hospitals are implementing strategies to raise awareness and detect heart health needs early, during and after pregnancy.
Maternal and Child Health Resources: 2023 Synopsis
Explore AHA’s Better Health for Mothers and Babies initiative resources, highlighting hospitals and health systems improving maternal and child health outcomes, produced in 2023.
COVID-19 Vaccination During Pregnancy: Barriers and Best Practices
Despite improvements in COVID-19 vaccination rates among pregnant people, low vaccination coverage indicates an ongoing public health concern.
Behavioral Health Resources for Boards
As a member of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, the AHA develops and promotes messages of hope and help.
Information and Tools on Maternal Mental Health
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Circle of Life Award Past Honorees
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Managing COVID Stress and Anxiety
Summit Healthcare in Arizona taps social media to improve access to behavioral health care during this pandemic.