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16 Results Found
Taking Responsibility for Transitions at the Top
Succession planning is a high-stakes governance responsibility. The significant costs of protracted CEO searches and failed replacements are well-documented. Yet, data from the for-profit and nonprofit sectors continue to show that many boards aren’t focusing enough attention on succession planning or on getting it right.
Creating Age-Friendly Health Systems
Hospital and health system trustees can help move forward an evidence-based framework to achieve better health for an aging population with complex care needs.
Responding to a Community Mental Health Crisis
How collaboration with community partners and identification of resources allowed Carroll Hospital to improve coordinated behavioral health services.
Integrating Behavioral and Physical Health through Primary Care
Trustee Articles
Hospitals and health systems are finding a range of ways to integrate behavioral and physical care in a primary care clinic, thereby improving patient outcomes and lowering costs.
Board Support Essential to Behavioral Health Access
An interview with Robert Trestman of Carilion Clinic about how governing boards and leadership teams can work with their communities to develop strategies and improve access to behavioral health care.
Aligning Care Delivery to Emerging Payment Models
Trustee Articles
As payers shift financial risk to providers through more advanced payment models, trustees will need to help their organizations build new capabilities for succeeding under these payment arrangements.
Building an Age-friendly Health Care System
Trustee Articles
A growing movement of health care providers is systematically spreading best practices in the care of older adults.
Governance in a Consumer-Centric Health Care Ecosystem
Trustee Articles
Imagine a health care consumer who dictates his or her own health goals, tracks progress with a wearable medical device or two and who consults provider and social media contacts for advice about interventions, side effects and choices affecting his or her health that could be rewarded financially via insurance policy incentives.
Performance-based Contracting: Emerging Issues and Considerations
Trustee Articles
A new business model is emerging to transform the care delivery and payment systems. The transition is underway in many communities — moving health care delivery from emphasizing sick care to addressing population health management.
Patients at the Center
Trustee Articles
Succeeding in the care coordination environment means leaving behind the hospital business model.