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17 Results Found

COVID-19 Alternate Care Sites: Before You Repurpose Structured Parking for COVID-19 Patients

Understand how the structural design loads for parking structures differ from those of occupied spaces, and more.

Alternate Care Sites – Utilizing Highly-Engineered Quick-Ship Modular Products for Current Isolation Environment Demands

With the constantly evolving criteria required to address the surge of patients impacted by the COVID-19 virus, there are many options that health care organizations will explore and deploy.

The Provider Perspective on Building Supply Chain Resiliency (Re-engineering the Health Care Supply Chain: CQO Thought Leader Discussion Series)

Provider panelists discuss their post-pandemic approach to their business continuity programs, working with non-traditional buyers, diversifying their suppliers and the increased focus on supply chain analytics.

Pandemic Surge Staffing: Insights from the Front Lines in N.Y.

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Learn from nurse leaders from New York who are in various stages of planning and implementing surge staffing amidst the COVID-19.

Stress, Burnout and Trauma: Picking Up the Pieces in Your Health Care Organization After a Pandemic

[ON-DEMAND WEBINAR] Health care organizations are struggling with employee engagement. Some employees are overworked and exhausted while others are feeling undervalued and neglected. Levels of stress and burnout are exceeding those seen in the past. The stakes are higher than ever as organizations grapple with financial challenges and fear. During this interactive, engaging program, HR leaders learn counterintuitive ideas for sustaining engagement. A Certified Trauma Professional, author and nurse, Vicki Hess brings a fresh perspective to the management of stress, trauma and burnout. Using concepts from her newest book, “SHIFT to Professional Paradise in Stormy and Uncertain Times,” she shares out-of-the-box ideas for HR professionals to use to help pick up the pieces and move forward. Participants walk away with practical, proven tools to support their organization now and in the future.

Unique Staffing Models and Wellness of Caregivers During Surge

On-Demand Educational Webinars

Supply Chain and Enterprise Risk Management: Navigating the Unknown (Re-engineering the Health Care Supply Chain: A CQO Thought Leader Discussion Series) An AHRMM and ASHRM Joint Presentation

Senior leaders within the finance/supply chain and risk management disciplines share their thoughts on the organizational and patient risks related to current vulnerabilities and action planning that health care organizations can take to minimize their exposure to these risks.

Convergence: The Virtual Health Care Supply Chain (Re-engineering the Health Care Supply Chain: A CQO Thought Leader Discussion Series)

COVID-19 has forced us all to embrace and rely on virtual technology to conduct business. This sudden change has impacted supply chain operations and strategy execution, from staffing to supplier engagement and operational performance.

Supply Chain's Role in Non-Labor Expense Management (Re-engineering the Health Care Supply Chain: CQO Thought Leader Discussion Series)

Supply chain leaders share their processes and experiences in managing non-labor and non-personnel expenses.

The Health Care Supply Chain's Response to COVID-19: Post COVID-19 Supply Chain Provider Leading Practices Panel

The AHRMM Learning Community continued its discussion of the health care supply chain’s response to COVID-19 on Friday, May 15. This webcast focuses its discussion on the re-emergence of a more typical health care structure. This panel of health care supply chain leaders shared their thoughts and strategies as they prepare supply chain for increased ER visits and elective surgeries. A robust question and answer session followed the discussion.