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15 Results Found

Project Firstline | Center

A national training collaborative that aims to provide every person working in a U.S. healthcare facility the foundation for infection control to protect the nation from infectious disease threats, such as COVID-19.

AHA TeamSTEPPS Video Toolkit | Project Firstline

Team Strategies, Tools to Enhance Performance & Patient Safety to improve communication & teamwork in health care for colleagues, patients & families.

AHA Digital Pulse

This new benefit for AHA members will make it easier for you to monitor your performance over time and connect with others. Take your assessment and join the growing digital health community.

Infection Prevention in ICUs | HRET

AHA and AHRQ are releasing a new toolkit for preventing CLABSI and CAUTI in intensive care units. It the customizable resource offers assessment tools and a reduction plan.

100 Million Mask Challenge

Providence St. Joseph Health, headquartered in Washington State, launched the 100 Million Mask Challenge and has seen a tremendous outpouring of support from individuals, community organizations and local manufacturers.The American Hospital Association will now bring the initiative to scale across the country, facilitating new relationships between providers in need of surgical masks and manufacturers with the capacity to produce them.

COVID-19 Communications Resources

As the coronavirus continues to unfold, hospitals and health systems are scrambling to develop, execute and adjust their communications plans. AHA offers tools and resources to help the field communicate efficiently and effectively during this pandemic.

Stories from the Front Lines

Every day health care professionals across the country and around the world are doing amazing work to combat the coronavirus and care for people – physically and emotionally. Here you’ll find their heartwarming stories. It’s our opportunity to honor, celebrate and thank them for rising up and never giving up to end this pandemic.

AHA Members Are on the Front Lines of COVID-19

Issue Landing Page
A message from our Business Partners from the AHA.

Using Reconciliation to Pass COVID-19 Relief Legislation

Reconciliation is a complicated legislative process with limitations about what can be included in legislation. The following resources provide more details on the reconciliation process and can be used to help explain the process to others.

AHA to AHIP Urging Health Plans to Help Hospitals Maximize Health Care Capacity

AHA today urged all health plans to help maximize health care capacity for the COVID-19 emergency by suspending utilization management processes that delay or prevent patients from being transferred or discharged to clinically appropriate settings and covering the cost of care at these sites.