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205 Results Found


COVID-19 Workforce Solutions: Team-based Models of Care, Community Partnerships, and Apprenticeships

The AHA has been collecting resources around three categories to assist hospitals and systems in their efforts to plan for the future of the workforce post-COVID-19: apprenticeships, team-based models of care and community partnerships.

Shared Mental Model | AHA TeamSTEPPS Video Toolkit

Cultivate awareness and synergy with your coordinated successful team to guarantee safety of patients with this Project Firstline program.

Forever Grateful

This time has been hard for many, but it has been especially challenging for doctors, nurses and health care workers. Through it all, they have cared for their communities with compassion and skill. We invite you to thank the women and men at your local hospital or health system for all they do to keep us healthy and safe.

Emerging Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic

The challenges presented by COVID-19 are by no means over as members contend with variants and vaccine hesitancy. Still, there are learnings that can inform and improve how members continue to cope with this ongoing public health crisis.

As Delta Variant Spreads, Doctors Deliver Straight Talk on COVID-19 to People Who Are Unvaccinated

Phoebe Putney Health System, based in Albany, Georgia, serves more than 500,000 residents in 41 counties and has been hit hard by the pandemic. Enrique Lopez, M.D., a surgical intensivist at Phoebe Putnam Memorial Hospital who has recently helped out in Phoebe North’s COVID-19 units, gives a blunt account of the summer surge in cases.

Top Three Q&As on This Year’s “Twindemic” from Loma Linda University Health

As COVID-19 and its emerging variants continue to spread and the cold and flu season begins, hospitals and health systems are preparing early this year.

Why the Flu Vaccine is More Important than Ever

The prospect of flu cases this season swamping the United States as well as COVID-19 is grim; co-infection with both respiratory viruses could be deadly.

Why Rural Hospitals May Be Hit Hard by the Convergence of COVID-19 and Flu Season

UnityPoint Health prepares for a busy flu season and offers important resources for fighting back.

Physician Musician Performs for People after Receiving Their Vaccine

Armed with his guitar, a physician has been entertaining people getting their shots at the Mary Washington Healthcare COVID-19 vaccine clinic.

UVA Health Vaccine Confidence Virtual Town Halls

A team of doctors and scientists at UVA Health answers the public’s questions about deployment, efficacy and safety of all COVID-19 vaccines.