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64 Results Found

AHA Funded Partnerships

Funded Partnerships fosters transformative health care collaborations supported by AHA and its 501c3, the Health Research & Educational Trust (HRET).

The Future of Virtual Care: Solving Provider Frustrations and Patient Expectations

This webinar, based on original research conducted by Optum, will discuss past, current and predicted use of telehealth.

How e-Commerce is Transforming the Health Care Supply Chain Webcast

Matt Burns, Director eCommerce Solutions at Premier discusses the $200B explosion of health care supply chain e-commerce usage during the two years since the COVID-19 pandemic began and the variety

COVID-19 Alternate Care Sites: Before You Repurpose Structured Parking for COVID-19 Patients

Understand how the structural design loads for parking structures differ from those of occupied spaces, and more.

Alternate Care Sites – Utilizing Highly-Engineered Quick-Ship Modular Products for Current Isolation Environment Demands

With the constantly evolving criteria required to address the surge of patients impacted by the COVID-19 virus, there are many options that health care organizations will explore and deploy.

Rural Health Leaders on Strategies for Pandemic and Beyond Webinar, Playbook

This webinar rural hospital executives and board leaders discuss how boards can work with all levels within their communities.

Beyond the Pandemic: Mitigating Supply Chain Risk and Disruption (AHA Transformation Talks)

COVID-19 has exposed the fragile nature of the health care supply chain, but it’s not the first public health crisis to do so. Michael Schiller, AHRMM's Senior Director of Supply Chain, and Richard Bagley, Senior Vice President, Chief Supply Chain Officer, Penn State Health, led the discussion on lessons learned and ways we should rethink supply chain strategies for the future.

Joining Hands for Greater Impact

As part of AHA’s Joining Hands for Greater Impact series, we talk to Atrium Health, American Airlines and Charlotte Douglas International Airport representatives about how they came together to “get shots in arms” in Charlotte, N.C.

The Provider Perspective on Building Supply Chain Resiliency (Re-engineering the Health Care Supply Chain: CQO Thought Leader Discussion Series)

Provider panelists discuss their post-pandemic approach to their business continuity programs, working with non-traditional buyers, diversifying their suppliers and the increased focus on supply chain analytics.

Project Firstline: Risk Management

Fall Preceptorship Session Three: The webinar identifies individual roles for managing the complexities of risk management in health care.