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171 Results Found

Dry hydrogen peroxide may reduce COVID-19 in LTC settings

Dry hydrogen peroxide may reduce COVID-19 infection transmissions in long-term care facilities without requiring additional staff intervention, a study concludes.

Report names factors leading to higher antimicrobial resistance during COVID

A Health and Human Services Department report describes how the COVID-19 pandemic led to a 15% increase in drug-resistant hospital-acquired infections and antimicrobial resistant-related deaths. Factors included severely sick patients who needed mechanical ventilation; long hospital stays and increased caseloads

COVID-19 surges linked to greater risks for all hospitalized patients

Hospitals with greater COVID-19 patient loads confronted higher adverse events for all patients, an Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality study found.

Certain PREP Act liability protections for COVID-19 countermeasures extended through 2029 

The Department of Health and Human Services Dec. 10 amended the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act declaration for COVID-19, extending liability protections for certain COVID-19 countermeasure activities through 2029.

CNOs discuss nursing shortage

In Becker’s Hospital Review, chief nursing officers (CNOs) this month described how they are coping with the unprecedented workforce shortage resulting from the pandemic.

State Department prioritizes immigrant visas for HCPs

This week, the State Department instructed U.S. embassies and consulates to prioritize “as emergencies on a case-by-case basis the immigrant visa cases of certain health care

Six states boost staffing with federal aid, National Guard and military medical teams

At least six states are using federal resources to boost hospital staffing amid the latest COVID-19 wave. Alabama is using $12.3 million in CARES Act funding to hire

AHA supports bipartisan legislation to ease hospital staff shortages

This week, the American Hospital Association (AHA) informed Congressional leaders of the Association’s support for legislation to ease hospital staff shortages.

Study details factors linked to nurse depression during pandemic’s first wave

A survey of nearly 2,500 nurses employed at four New York University Langone Health System hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic linked higher levels of depression and anxiety to several factors

J&J research explores innovations, path forward for nursing

In partnership with Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and the American Nurses Association (ANA), AONL this week released Accelerating Nursing, Transforming Healthcare