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Updates and Resources on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

ASHHRA What's New
ASHHRA members play an important role as an information source to the organizations and communities they serve. We are thinking of you during these unprecedented times.

Health Care Workers at the Center of the COVID-19 Storm

[ON-DEMAND WEBINAR] Health care workers have been at the center of the COVID-19 crisis since its beginning. Although the number of new cases and deaths slowed to a degree, they are rising again, keeping these courageous and dedicated workers on the front lines. They responded heroically while enduring a great deal of stress and pain. They received expressions of gratitude and homage from their communities...but was that enough? What have we learned and what can we do in this next phase in support of health care workers? This presentation will examine what was done and what should be done.

Grants for families of health care workers impacted by COVID-19

The Brave of  Heart Fund was established to provide monetary grants to the loved ones of frontline health care workers and volunteers who lose their lives because of COVID-19. The grants will  provide immediate financial support for common needs such as funeral costs, medical care, counseling, food, education,  mortgage payments and living expenses.