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64 Results Found


National Uniform Billing Committee Official Data Specifications Manual

Member Organizations

American Hospital Association (AHA)Terrence CunninghamChair, NUBCAmerican Hospital Association155 N. Wacker Dr. Suite 400Chicago, IL 60606

CFPB finalizes rule banning inclusion of medical debt on credit reports

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Jan. 7 released a final rule banning medical bills on credit reports and prohibiting lenders from using medical information in lending decisions.

NUBC August 2025 Meeting

The NUBC will hold its next public meeting on August 12th and 13th.

NUBC April 2025 Meeting

The NUBC will hold its next public meeting on April 8th and 9th.

NUBC Open Meeting August 12th and 13th

The NUBC will hold its next public meeting on August 12th and 13th. A joint meeting with the NUCC will also be held on August 13th.

NUBC Open Meeting April 8th and 9th

The NUBC will hold its next public meeting on April 8th and 9th. A joint meeting with the NUCC will also be held on April 9th.

4 Health Systems Team Up to Tackle Drug Development, Care Coordination and Billing

four prominent nonprofit health systems — Baylor, Scott & White Health, Memorial Hermann Health System, Novant Health and Providence — have banded together to form the for-profit entity Longitude Health to handle increasing access to complex drugs, care coordination within huge programs like Medicare Advantage and streamlining billing processes.

CMS Issues ACO Significant, Anomalous and Highly Suspect Billing Final Rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Sept.


Official UB-04 Data FileWhat does the Data File consist of?