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1487 Results Found

AHA brief: The Board’s Role in Quality and Patient Safety

A new Boardroom Brief by AHA Trustee Services identifies questions trustees should ask their C-suite executives on safety culture, quality improvement, board and committee meetings, and patient engagement and satisfaction.

Accelerating Health Equity Conference | AHA - Homepage

A time to connect and collaborate to advance community health, well-being, and equity, presented by ACHI and IFDHE.

Recruiting for a Diverse Health Care Board

Adding diverse members to a hospital’s or health system’s board can change the board’s culture for the better.

New report shows improvements in patient safety and workforce resilience

The AHA and Press Ganey today released a new report showing hospital and health system patients reporting improvements in overall care experience and perception of safety alongside gains in key safety outcomes. It also shows that the health care workforce has had a rebound in their reported experience, resilience and perceptions of safety culture.

Quality and Patient Safety Toolkits

A collection of toolkits from the AHA Trustee Services on quality and patient safety.

Quality and Patient Safety Podcasts

A list of podcasts from the AHA Trustee Services on quality and patient safety.

Quality and Patient Safety Articles

A collection of articles and toolkits from the AHA Trustee Services on quality and patient safety.

Improvement in Safety Culture Linked to Better Patient and Staff Outcomes

Report shows hospitals outperform pre-pandemic levels, boosting patient safety, care experience and workforce resilience.

Patient Safety Awareness Week

Celebrate Patient Safety Awareness Week! March 9-15. Join AHA in raising awareness, celebrating successes, and sharing resources for patient safety nationwide.

Report Reveals Link Between Health Care Workforce Well-being, Patient Experience and Safety Outcomes in Hospitals

Hospital and health system patients report improvements in overall care experience and perception of safety alongside gains in key safety outcomes, while the health care workforce is experiencing a post-pandemic rebound, according to new findings from the American Hospital Association (AHA) and Press Ganey.