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4 Results Found

Religious Exemptions from COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates: What Is the Chaplain's Role?

[WEBINAR] Chaplains are increasingly being approached to discuss or support applications for exemption from COVID-19 vaccine mandates in healthcare systems and other institutions. This webinar will help chaplains, spiritual care managers, and others to prepare for those conversations. Attendees will hear legal, HR, administrative, and spiritual care perspectives on this critical issue. This webinar seeks not to provide a one-size-fits-all solution to this difficult issue, but instead to help chaplains and others prepare their own responses as appropriate in their own settings.

Updates and Resources on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

ASHHRA What's New
ASHHRA members play an important role as an information source to the organizations and communities they serve. We are thinking of you during these unprecedented times.

HHS Unveils COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Strategy

The Department of Health and Human Services on Sept.