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9 Results Found

Chair File: Building Trust in Today’s Environment

Trust — in one another, our hospitals and health systems, our communities and our government — feels more important than ever.

Working Together to Chart a Course to Advance Health in America

Thomas Edison once said, “Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning.”

AHA releases 2025-2027 Strategic Plan

The AHA today released its 2025-2027 Strategic Plan, approved by the AHA Board of Trustees in November.

Predictive Analytics Improve Nurse Staffing, Job Satisfaction

To reduce unpredictable variations in staffing, Tower Health, based in West Reading, Pa., turned to predictive analytics. Adopting a data-driven approach to scheduling reaped

Chair File: A Shared Purpose of Providing Better Health Care for All

For the past 125 years, the AHA has been a tireless advocate for the health care field, patients, and communities.

Chair File: Confidence and Hope for the Future of Health Care

When I began my term as AHA board chair in January 2022, the health care field was evolving. Hospitals and health systems were focusing on the immediate needs of responding to the pandemic while also prioritizing vital work on long-term strategies to advance health.

Perspective: Climbing Costs and Rising Inflation Challenge Hospitals’ Ability to Provide Care

Yesterday, our country surpassed a grim and somber milestone: 1 million COVID-19 deaths in the U.S..

AHA Trendwatch 2020 - Hospital and Health System Workforce Strategic Planning

ASHHRA What's New
America’s hospitals and health systems are at the center of their communities, both as providers of critical services and as large – and often the largest – employers. Labor is the largest single cost for most hospitals, and the workforce is essential to the critical mission of providing life-saving care. Although there are challenges, there also are opportunities to improve care, motivate and re-skill staff, and modernize processes and business models that reflect the shift toward providing the right care, at the right time, in the right setting.

5 Necessary Competencies for CEOs

When your board hired your organization’s CEO, the competencies the CEO possessed likely were a major factor in the selection process.