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11 Results Found

Workday Planning & Staffing Guide

This comprehensive report provides you with expert insights and strategies to ensure your Workday journey is a success at every stage.

Developing a Master of Health Administration with a Concentration in Medical Logistics

A detailed example of a new Master of Health Administration (MHA) program with a medical logistics concentration.

Supply Chain Services to Care Support Services - An Innovative Strategic Model

White Papers
Incorporating the targets for transformation set by the leader of our organization including unjustified variation, fragmentation of care-giving, perverse payment incentives, and the patient

Improving & Managing the Sterilization Process Through the Use of Surgical Instrument Management Software & Lean

White Papers
The surgical instrument management software (SIM) implementation began in October of 2003 and a Lean initiative to redesign processes began in October 2005.

Exploring Opportunities for Collaboration on CQO Initiatives Across Healthcare

White Papers
This white paper was written as a recap of the AHRMM15 Cost, Quality, and Outcomes (CQO) Summit, held in August of 2015.

Applying Supply Chain Best Practices from Other Industries to Healthcare

White Papers
Increasingly, the hospital and health care delivery system executives are viewing the supply chain as a strategic asset that can be leveraged to meet operational, clinical, and financial perf

Supply Utilization: Expanding Supply Savings Efforts

White Papers
This paper provides a case-study on what Banner has done to implement and continuously improve this initiative. Three key components to successful supply utilization savings are reviewed.

Navigating 340B - A Supply Chain Primer

White Papers
The Purpose of this white paper is to prepare Supply Chain professionals to better understand how to support navigating some of the risks and opportunities inherent in participating in the 340B Dru

Supply Chain's Changing Role in the Expanding Care Continuum

White Papers
As health care organizations look for ways to meaningfully impact cost, quality and outcomes, they are expanding the care delivery continuum and increasingly transitioning services out of the

Adhering to Board Duties in an Affiliation Transaction

White Papers
By Thomas M. Fahey, Partner, Nixon Peabody