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10 Results Found
Chair File: Supporting the Board’s Pivotal Role in Advancing Health
Today’s hospital and health system board members collaborate with leadership to address workforce shortages, recommend ways to mitigate cybersecurity risks, discuss the pros and cons of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, and provide strategic guidance on quality, safety and many other critical issues.
Chair File Video: Meet 2024 AHA Board Chair Joanne Conroy, M.D.
Joanne Conroy, M.D., is CEO and president of Dartmouth Health, which is the only academic health system in New Hampshire and serves rural and urban residents in both New Hampshire and Vermont.
Chair File: Leadership Dialogue — The Dynamic Work of Hospital and Health System Boards with Greg Bentz, Board Chair of Saint Luke’s Health System
On today’s episode, I talk with Greg Bentz, board chair of Saint Luke’s Health System, based in Kansas City, Mo., and chair of the AHA Committee on Governance.
Chair File: Resources to Support Good Governance, Strengthen the Workforce and Create Healthier Communities
Hospital and health system board members make decisions that affect their health care organization as well as their communities.
Chair File: Leadership Dialogue with Rod Hochman, M.D., President and CEO of Providence and Immediate Past Chair of the AHA
This year, I look forward to continuing AHA’s leadership dialogues on trending topics with health care, business and community leaders from around the country.
Chairman’s File: Mentoring the next generation of health care leaders
Tomorrow’s health care leaders can get a big boost from a new AHA program designed to develop and accelerate their ability to successfully lead America’s hospitals and health systems into the next decade and beyond.
Chairman’s File: Podcast — cultivating tomorrow’s health care leaders
How can health care organizations start to prepare for effective leadership succession?
Chair File: Valuable Resources for Trustees
AHA Trustee Services – accessible on the AHA’s website at – now is the hub for AHA’s trustee education efforts.
Chair File: Quality Tools for Hospital Boards
Quality must be the top priority of any hospital or health system—there simply is no alternative. And it takes all of us working together.
Chairman’s File: Trustees as Partners in Improving Community Health
Get the ball rolling today by starting a conversation with your board about your vision, role and purpose in the community.