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Trustee Insights Current Edition
Trustee Insights | Current Edition is the AHA’s enhanced digital resource for hospital and health system boards and leadership. This robust monthly digital package includes insights and analysis on the changing dynamics in the health care field and what they mean for boards, as well as other rich resources to help achieve high-performing governance.
Trustee Insights Archive Editions
Trustee Insights I Archive includes previous editions of the AHA’s enhanced digital resource for hospital and health system boards and leadership. This robust monthly digital package includes insights and analysis on the changing dynamics in the health care field and what they mean for boards, as well as other rich resources to help achieve high-performing governance.
Supporting High-Performing Boards: Is It Time for Dedicated Governance Leadership?
Trustee Articles
Some 66 percent of U.S. hospitals are now part of health systems, according to 2016 survey data from the American Hospital Association. As systems continue to grow in scope and complexity, their governance often follows suit.
Successful Strategic Planning: The Board Role
Trustee Articles
This monograph covers the basics of strategic planning, including definitions of common terms, a description of the planning process and the characteristics of successful plans. It describes the board’s role in planning, including why plans fail, common weaknesses and how boards can support successful plan implementation.
Strategy and Competency Self Assessment
Evaluations and Assessments
The American Hospital Association’s report, Hospitals and Care System of the Future, describes a series of “must do” strategies and future core competencies hospitals will need as they transform themselves from first curve to second curve delivery systems, driven by a shift from volume-driven to value-driven payment systems.
Someone to Lean On
Trustee Articles
Health care CEOs may need a little help. How about hiring a chief of staff?
Selection Criteria to Drive Excellence
See attached infographic from Accordant Philanthropy on selection criteria to drive excellence.
Selecting a Foundation Board Dream Team
Trustee Articles
Boards must proactively define the qualities of an ideal board member and select based upon those competencies, expertise, experience, behaviors and circles of influence—and within the context of the foundation’s priorities, strategy, opportunities and challenges. The foundation governance committee champions the identification and screening of proposed members.
Sample Performance Standards for Evaluating Annual Incentive Plans
Evaluations and Assessments
As health care organizations face a number of emerging challenges, the compensation committee of the not-for- profit hospital and health system board is well served to review and update the executive compensation program periodically.