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Strategy and Competency Self Assessment

Evaluations and Assessments
The American Hospital Association’s report, Hospitals and Care System of the Future, describes a series of “must do” strategies and future core competencies hospitals will need as they transform themselves from first curve to second curve delivery systems, driven by a shift from volume-driven to value-driven payment systems.

Sample Strategic Planning Policy

Board Policies
See the attached sample strategic planning policy.

Sample Performance Standards for Evaluating Annual Incentive Plans

Evaluations and Assessments
As health care organizations face a number of emerging challenges, the compensation committee of the not-for- profit hospital and health system board is well served to review and update the executive compensation program periodically.

Sample Governance Dashboard for Monitoring Executive Compensation Programs

By tracking outcomes, the committee can ensure that the program operates consistently with the established philosophy and that areas requiring attention are readily identified. When combined with comprehensive tally sheets and affirmation that all executive compensation arrangements are fully disclosed to the committee, there is a comprehensive baseline underlying the committee’s deliberations.

Position Description for a Board Chairperson

Position Descriptions
Responsibilities and expectations for board chairs are identified and defined.

Position Description for a Health System or Hospital Board Member

Position Descriptions
The board has three legal duties: a duty of obedience to the charitable purpose of the organization, a duty of loyalty, to act based on best interests of the organization, and a duty of care. The role of the board is to govern, not manage, the organization.

Memorandum of Understanding MHS Board Chair/CEO Compact

Board and Committee Charters
An effective board chair/CEO relationship is essential to support governance excellence and begins with a clear understanding of individual and shared accountabilities. Dallas-based Methodist Health System defines these accountabilities in a board chair/CEO compact (shown below) that is used as both an orientation resource for new board chairs and a touchstone for ongoing evaluation of this critical relationship.

Current High-Performance Governance Practices

Board Checklists
For boards to participate in shaping their new organization, they must be currently performing at an extremely high level. The following is a list of four practices that hospital and health system boards must be engaged in today, in order to be successful in the future.

Dashboards and Balanced Scorecards

The dashboard or “balanced scorecard” has become a staple of effective governance. Charts and numerical data provide a comprehensive picture of organizational performance. Here are some questions to assess whether your board’s dashboard is as good as it could be.

CEO Evaluation

Evaluations and Assessments
CEO goal-setting and evaluation is a fundamental responsibility of a governing board. These questions are designed to help boards assess their CEO evaluation process and determine if any improvements are necessary.