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6 Results Found
Presentation Center
This page provides AHA members and hospital leaders with easy-to-use presentations and corresponding talking points on top health care issues.
Member Login for Presentation Center
The Presentation Center is an American Hospital Association member benefit. You must login with AHA Member credentials to access the Presentation Center.
The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018
On Feb. 9, Congress passed and President Trump signed into law the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, a massive budget bill containing a number of priorities important to hospitals and health systems.
2018 Environmental Scan
AHA publishes the Environmental Scan annually to identify emerging trends that will help hospital and health care leaders plan strategically.
FutureScan 2018-2023: Health Care Trends and Implications Presentation
FutureScan - FutureScan merges thought leaders predictions with a national survey of more than 300 senior health care executives weighing in on how issues ranging from cybersecurity to value-based
Physician and Advance Practice Provider Snapshot Presentation
Physician and APP Snapshot - To fully understand how physician relationships with hospitals are developing and how they are affecting care delivery, the AHA Annual Survey includes questions that ge