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33 Results Found
SHSMD Member Meet Up: Building Public Trust and Confidence
Join us for SHSMD’s next “Member Meet Up”. For SHSMD members only, join your peers across the country to discuss key topics and issues, and solve problems together. We are starting the year with the topic of “Building Public Trust and Confidence”
Building a Successful PR Strategy to Support a Brand Transformation
Johnny Smith, Senior Director of Marketing and Communications for Ascension, will discuss how Ascension developed and implemented a comprehensive PR strategy to support the brand rollout across 2,600 sites of care in 21 states and Washington D.C.
How to Create a Culture of Excellence with Reputation Management and Transparency
In today's competitive health care market, it can be difficult to implement and socialize a reputation management and transparency initiative across an entire enterprise health care organization.
Renown Health's Approach to Keeping the Community Safe, Communicating on COVID-19
On-Demand Educational Webinars
Renown Health shares their COVID-19 communications plan and key materials put in place by the Marketing & Communications team.
Living In A Post-Pandemic World: What Is The New Normal For Marketing and Communication Departments?
Join the Michigan Medicine leaders as they talk about what they’ve learned during the COVID-19 pandemic, how they’re thinking differently, and what the new “normal” might look like.
What are Consumer Expectations For Coming Back and How Can We Meet Them?
Hear what consumers in a recent national survey had to say about their concerns of returning to health care providers for care and what their expectations are of us to ease those concerns.
How To Reach Reluctant Patients During The COVID-19 Crisis | Recording
In this educational webinar, convergent TV experts will share new techniques in reaching health care audiences precisely and cost-effectively.
Creating a Unified, Competitive Brand with "Radical Convenience"
Learn how MercyOne applied ‘radical convenience’ across its connected system of health care facilities with an end-to-end digital front door strategy.
Marcom Budgets “By the Numbers”: Key Findings from 2022 SHSMD Benchmarking
This webinar is designed to share preliminary aggregate data on those hospitals who have submitted complete data for SHSMD’s 2022 By the Numbers MarCom Benchmarking and how that compares to prior years.
Leveraging Technology and Innovation to Advance Value-Based Care: Highlights from Futurescan 2025 Health Care Trends and Implications
Keeping at the forefront of health care transformation and rebuilding means looking around the curve to what’s ahead. Futurescan 2025 draws on the subject matter expertise of several of the nation’s top health leaders to synthesize key trends that will shape health care. Tune into the upcoming webinar on March 11, 2025, with SHSMD Board Members, Alan Shoebridge, Dennis Jolley, and Shay Pratt on the latest edition of SHSMD's annual guide featuring these key topics: