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619 Results Found

Bridging Worlds: The Future Role of the Health Care Strategist Second Edition

Bridging Worlds: The Future Role of the Health Care Strategist Second Edition

AHA Associate Program Podcast Series

AHA leaders check in with Associate Program organizations to discuss thought leadership and responding to developments in the field. Brought to AHA member hospital and health systems by the American Hospital Association, the AHA Associates Bringing Value podcast connects members with the latest insights from the business community. In exclusive interviews, learn about how Associates are supporting hospitals and gather intel on the latest developments in the field.

Foster G. McGaw Prize

The Foster G. McGaw Prize recognizes hospitals that have distinguished themselves through efforts to improve the health and well-being of everyone in their communities.

SHSMD Connections Conference

SHSMD Connections 2025 is your chance to light the way to a brighter future with breakout sessions, keynote speakers and networking opportunities! This premier event will take place October 12-14 in Dallas, TX.

Role of the Communicator in Crises: Dissecting Tactics, Strategies, and Actions in Managing a Crisis

Presentation Resource
This session will feature case studies and best practices to illustrate what it takes to manage and control a crisis. Also, participants will learn the "seven golden rules"of managing crisis communication and effective crisis media relations tactics.

Connected for the Cure: How Susan G. Komen Uses Virtual Reality to Save Real Lives

Presentation Resource
Find out how Susan G. Komen Greater Kansas City developed a unique and emotionally charged virtual reality experience that puts users into the avatar of a real-life breast cancer survivor. Discover how interactive healthcare educational technology can be leveraged to impact target audiences with actionable messaging and possibly save lives at the same time.

Are You Prepared for a PR Crisis?

Magazine & Journal Articles
When a crisis occurs in your community, how should your hospital or health system's public relations/communications team respond? Whether an incident is local in nature or has national or international implications, it is vital for hospitals to have a crisis plan in place that will ensure effective communications to all key internal and external audiences, and stakeholders — and protect the hospital's reputation.

30 Ideas in 30 Minutes: Crisis Tips from the Headlines

Presentation Resource
This resource showcases stories " and lessons learned " by a panel of hospital communicators from some of the most tragic headlines, including the Boston Marathon bombing, the San Bernardino shootings, and the Virginia on-air shootings.

Making the Most of Social Media: Managing Crisis and Improving Outreach

Presentation Resource
Kathy Wilets and Libby Mitchell from University of Utah Health Care will discuss how Twitter and Facebook can be your best friends in times of crisis, even when the trolls come calling.

Internal Communications: Simple, Nimble, and Effective

Presentation Resource
How does an academic medical practice communicate to 1,300 employees in more than 40 locations? Communication is driven by employee involvement with the goal of helping them become ambassadors of the brand. The message to employees is simple: "Whether you know it or not, you are an ambassador for our practice."