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12 Results Found

The Elusive Value-based Purchasing Score

Magazine & Journal Articles
Find out why the value-based purchasing score is getting harder to predict and why HCAHPS is important to track.

Using Quality, Financial, and Market Metrics to Identify Potential Partners

Magazine & Journal Articles
Learn how Lafayette General Health developed and deployed a partnership ranking decision tool to support its long-range strategic business objectives.

Right-Sizing Emergency Care Amid Healthcare Reform

Magazine & Journal Articles
The emergency department (ED) is often considered to be the hospital's "front door." For this reason, healthcare strategists have historically focused their attention—and marketing dollars—on driving ED volume, which subsequently drives inpatient admissions, surgical procedures, diagnostic testing, contribution margin, and net revenue.

Stop 'Leakage' in Physician Referrals

Magazine & Journal Articles
"Leakage" is a buzzword today, especially for physician relations professionals and healthcare strategists as they prepare for the future of network referral management. Simply defined, leakage is what happens when primary care physicians send their patients to out-of-system providers rather than to those within your organization's network.

The Strategist's Guide to Retail Health

Magazine & Journal Articles
A retail health initiative calls for careful planning. Here are five keys to a successful retail strategy.

What's the Score? A New Approach to Strategic Planning

Magazine & Journal Articles
As healthcare strategists, we may also long for a similar scorecard to help us turn potential opportunities into real winners. The hospital leadership at AAMC teamed up to pinpoint gaps in services as well as the missing pros—the physician specialists and other clinicians—that might help grow patient volume and meet the healthcare needs of the community they serve.

Increasing Ambulatory Care Volume with a Service Line Development Strategy

Magazine & Journal Articles
In today's increasingly vertically, horizontally, and virtually integrated healthcare landscape, a service line focus on core diseases and conditions can be an effective strategy for managing patient care and boosting market share. But while clinical service lines - from cardiology to orthopedics to neurosciences - have gained considerable traction elsewhere in healthcare, they are much less common in children's hospitals. This is unfortunate because, like other health systems, children's hospitals are increasingly focused on providing care outside the hospital itself.

Fast-Tracking Business Development in an Evolving Healthcare Landscape

Magazine & Journal Articles
Imagine trying to manage strategic planning for a health system that has doubled in size in recent years, but lacks standardized business development processes to maximize growth opportunities. Then, imagine an extremely competitive consumer marketplace where two members of that same network are advertising for the same service in the same newspaper (or on dueling billboards) with no mention of the health system.

How to acquire more than 2,000 primary care patients in one year

Magazine & Journal Articles
In 2013, Boston Medical Center (BMC) began a five-year strategy to recruit more than 45 additional general internal medicine and family medicine providers. Read more about their recruitment campaign in this article.

Employer Engagement as a Consumer Acquisition Strategy

Magazine & Journal Articles
Ask the executive team at any of the 5,200 hospitals in the United States and they will likely tell you that local demographics, competition, and payer mix make them "different from the rest."