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14 Results Found

SHSMD Member Meet Up: Getting Creative with Recruitment

If you’re looking to develop creative recruitment tools come join fellow SHSMD members in this member meet up for breakout discussions, and help each other find ways for even small and scrappy teams to make a big impact in their facilities recruitment efforts.

Cultivating a Candidate-Centric Recruitment Experience

On-Demand Educational Webinars
[ON-DEMAND CONFERENCE SESSION] Cultivating a candidate-centric recruitment experience is imperative for Talent Acquisition teams today. In this on-demand session, you will learn the steps one of Northeast Florida’s largest health systems, along with their recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) partner, took to transform their entire recruitment process. Discover how changing their ATS system, introducing new candidate touch points and more, transformed their recruitment experience for the better.

Webinar: Minimizing Risks and Ensuring a Compliant Background Screening Program

[WEBINAR] While background screening and drug screening can present their own unique challenges, they are necessary to maintain a safe workplace – something of paramount importance to all business owners. In this webinar, we will review best practices for staying compliant under federal and local law, including FCRA, “Ban the Box,” and Salary History. Additionally, as drug screening laws continue to change across various states, we will discuss where we stand now and what to expect next. Finally, we will talk about the industry trends that affect us all. Throughout it all, we will emphasize EEOC best practices and the importance of proper processes, documentation and communication in light of new privacy laws. This webinar will provide participants with actionable information that can be used in assessing their own background screening programs in order to mitigate legal and financial risk.

Webinar: Are You Prepared for the Future of Health Care Recruitment? Optimize Your Sourcing Strategy Now

[WEBINAR] As a result of COVID-19, the health care recruitment landscape has been in a constant state of flux. As hiring needs continue to change, health care recruiters are adapting their strategies to meet the demands of their health care organizations. To better understand how your health care organization can move forward in the current environment, we will explain: 1) What happened? 2) What's coming next? 3) What should I do next?

A Data-Driven, Evidence-Based Approach to Hiring — Tools, Practical Considerations, and ROI

On-Demand Educational Webinars
[ON-DEMAND CONFERENCE SESSION] Learn about a more effective, objective and efficient way of selecting front line staff, nurses, managers, physicians and leaders. Incorporate “evidence-based” hiring approaches that support organization-wide efforts.

Recruitment Videos: Creating "VideoJobs" to Attract and Inform Health Care Professionals

On-Demand Educational Webinars
[ON-DEMAND CONFERENCE SESSION] Video content is EVERYWHERE and it is here to stay. The statistics are staggering: one-third of online activity is spent watching videos, over 500 million (half a billion) people are watching video on Facebook every day, and 92 percent of mobile video viewers share videos with others. With so many people watching videos, why not include them in job postings? Learn how to create short, significant and informative "VideoJobs." In 2018, our VideoJobs were viewed 745,148 times. VideoJobs have enabled our clients to build positive brand images while also informing potential employees and the inner workings of the health care organization.

Recruiting and Retaining New Nurses: Lessons Learned From Three Years of a Nurse Residency Program

On-Demand Educational Webinars
[ON-DEMAND CONFERENCE SESSION] This on-demand session provides an overview of the structure, staffing, content and strategies employed by a large health system as a nurse residency program was designed, deployed, evaluated and modified over a three year period. Recruitment and retention strategies will be discussed and both HR and clinical metrics will be shared. The presentation will cover both the positive lessons learned as well as  those of the  "what were we thinking?" variety. 

Discovering the “Essence” of a Candidate Prior to Hire

On-Demand Educational Webinars
[ON-DEMAND CONFERENCE SESSION] Discover how a large health care system partnered with an organization recognized as one of the Top 35 Most Engaged Workforces Worldwide in order to combat serious annual turnover and low employee engagement. Using a formal panel procedure, supervisors incorporated four questions into the interview process that subtly and sensitively, but effectively, lead candidates to relate accurate information regarding their prior career performance thus determining the “essence” of the individual. Based on this information, hiring managers are better able to judge “culture-fit” as well as needed job skills. 

Grow Your Own: Tackling the Medical Assistant Shortage

On-Demand Educational Webinars
[ON-DEMAND WEBINAR] Explore current hiring and talent trends related to medical assistants both regional and national levels. Presenters share common mistakes and best practices to overcome talent shortages in an economical and efficient manner using real examples from different health care systems. 

2018 Recruitment Bundle

On-Demand Educational Webinars
[ON-DEMAND BUNDLE] Conveniently packaged for you are the best of the best 2018 recruitment conference sessions. Each recording is sure to assist in your recruitment strategy. This bundle gives you access to 3 sessions for the price of 2!