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27 Results Found

Transforming the Approach to Health Equity

For March 2021, some communities are launching the Transgender Month of Action for Healthcare Equality. The month, specifically focused on the health care needs of transgender and gender non-conforming people, aims to address barriers and areas for growth and highlight victories.

Spotlight: OSF Medical Center Building Better Connections to Improve Health Equity for Breast Cancer Prevention

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A Path to Equity for Rural Health

Right before the COVID-19 outbreak occurred, AHA’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE) convened more than 65 leaders, trustees and clinicians from rural hospitals across the country at AHA’s annual Rural Conference. We inquired about strategies for health equity in rural communities, as well as these communities’ most common areas of disparity or need.

Summer Enrichment Program Spotlight

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Spotlight Feature: Listening to Your Community’s Health Care Needs to Ensure a Brighter Future

In this Spotlight Feature interview, Haley Urish, RN and patient care coordinator at Passavant along with Sarah Karraker, LCSW and Passavant’s manager of quality safety & operations improvement, discuss program goals for helping the youngest patients in the hospital’s surrounding community.

Spotlight Feature: Focusing on Basic Patient Needs to Fight Diabetes

Knowing that diabetes was surging throughout the community it serves, Humboldt Park Health (formerly Norwegian American Hospital) on Chicago’s West Side came up with a new approach to address the disparities it was seeing.

Spotlight Feature: Innovative Steps for Identifying Disparities in Fighting Breast Cancer

In this Spotlight Feature, Deepa Sheth, M.D. and Assistant Professor of Radiology, Breast Imaging Oncologist with University of Chicago Medicine talks about UChicago’s SCreening OutReach and Engagement (SCORE) breast cancer prevention initiative.