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119 Results Found

Health Equity and Value

Ensuring that essential, high-quality health care services are available in all communities should not be impacted by socioeconomic conditions, background or merely by your ZIP code. We believe hospitals and health systems have a great opportunity to improve the health of individuals and partner with the communities they serve.

AHA Disparities Toolkit - Frequently Asked Questions

Read the HRET Disparities Toolkit FAQ.

Meet the Grantees

A list of organizations receiving grants and resources on REaL data, SOGI data, Social Determinants of Health, cultural competency, and partnerships.

Health Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Measures for Hospitals and Health System Dashboards

Inequities in health care are widely noted, yielding poorer quality of care and reduced patient safety, and increased costs. The economic burden of racial health inequalities in the United States is estimated to be $230 billion dollars. Identifying disparities in health care and effectively intervening to mitigate the effect of these gaps is key to attainting a society of healthy communities, where all individuals reach their highest potential for health. Hospital and health systems may utilize a dashboard to provide health care leaders with the necessary information on their journey to advance health equity, diversity and inclusion. A basic level health equity, diversity and inclusion dashboard may include measures to model the American Hospital Association 123forEquity Pledge to include the following: race, ethnicity and language preference data collection, stratification and use, cultural competency training, diversity and inclusion in governance and leadership, and community partnerships.

Summer Enrichment Program Host Information

SEP Host sites are to provide professional development, mentorship, training and education for interns that are placed at their organization. IFDHE will give preference to host sites that are committed to diversity, equity, inclusion; and have the commitment integrated into their work practices and policies.

AHA Disparities Toolkit - Visually Impaired Populations

Individuals who are blind or visually impaired present unique health communications needs as they seek to access and act upon health information.