Melissa Mannon


Rural issues, Innovation, Innovation/New Models of Care

How bold new ideas can advance health in rural communities

An invisible beam that detects ships and airplanes. An innovative drug that reduces cholesterol in a way no one has tried. The notion that tumors can be killed by choking off their blood supply. These things — radar, statins and anti-angiogenesis drugs, respectively — are taken for granted today. But when first proposed, they were laughed at, rejected and deemed impossible. 

AHA, Maternal Health, Legislation and Legislative Advocacy

Improving maternal health care in rural communities

Women in rural areas face unique maternal health care challenges, including hospital closures or lack of obstetric services. In this AHA Stat Blog, Jay Bhatt, D.O., senior vice president and chief medical officer of the AHA, and Melissa Mannon, AHA associate director of policy development, discuss priorities to improve maternal health services identified at a recent Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services forum.