Health Equity

DEI and health equity are often conflated and used interchangeably. They have different meanings. DEI is a vital tool to promote health equity.
DEI and health equity are often conflated and used interchangeably. They have different meanings. DEI is a vital tool to promote health equity.
As we commemorate the 39th anniversary of the Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday, we are reminded of his timeless words: "Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhumane." These words still resonate powerfully as we continue to confront the challenges of…
The AHA’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity just wrapped up another distinguished year, where its work resonated with and celebrated AHA members and stakeholders across the field. With multiple convenings held, initiatives launched and an annual conference completed this year, IFDHE stayed…
Being a health care leader has always meant carrying the weight of responsibility, knowing that decisions can shape lives. For years, I believed leadership was about being strong, unwavering, and always in control. But life has a way of humbling you, especially when you face an invisible disability…
 As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, it's an opportune moment for us in the Hispanic community to assess our progress in health care, celebrate our achievements and reflect on how we can individually contribute to advancing our cause in diversity, equity and inclusion. This is also a time…
Mary Thompson, president at Trillium Place and member of AHA’s Committee on Behavioral Health, shares her experience working in the largest mental health and addiction recovery organization in central Illinois.
Pennsylvania Hospital is the first hospital in the nation, founded in 1751 by Benjamin Franklin and Dr. Thomas Bond. The hospital has a legacy of innovation: the first surgical amphitheater which served as an operating room from 1804-1868. The first medical library is still housed in our historic…
DEI and health equity are often conflated and used interchangeably. They have different meanings. DEI is a vital tool to promote health equity.
The Meharry School of Global Health is the realization of a promise made by Meharry Medical College almost 150 years ago — a promise born out of the legacy of Juneteenth and the ending of the Civil War.