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297 Results Found

Inadequate Health Insurance Coverage Drives Medical Debt – Four Solutions to Address this Significant Problem

Trends in health insurance coverage are driving an increase in medical debt: these include inadequate enrollment in comprehensive health care coverage and high-deductible and skinny health plans that intentionally push more costs onto patients.

How Mayo Clinic Hospital Has Built Authentic Partnerships to Assess and Address Community Health Needs

The Mayo Clinic Hospital in Arizona is a tertiary referral care hospital. Community hospitals that have patients who have complex health needs and who need specialty care send those patients to us. Through community partnerships — including with local health departments and community-based organizations — all stakeholders can come together to strengthen the health of the populations we serve better than we could do apart.

Chair File: An Opportunity to Improve, Innovate and Advance Health Care

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” This anonymous quote — which some have attributed to Albert Einstein — sums up one lesson from the pandemic.

Supporting Black Women’s Maternal Mental Health Journey

Black women are three to four times more likely to experience a pregnancy or childbirth-related death than White women. The health and well-being of women on their maternal journey – before, during and after childbirth are critical aspects of equitable health care.

Juneteenth Reminds Us That We Must Stay the Course

{ "@context": "", "@type": "NewsArticle", "headline": "Juneteenth Reminds Us That We Must Stay the Course", "image": [

Thriving Together