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6 Results Found


Addressing the Societal Factors that Influence Health: Framework Presentation

The AHA’s Societal Factors that Influence Health Framework is designed to guide hospitals’ strategies to identify patients' social needs, the social drivers of health in their communities and the systemic causes that lead to health inequities so all stakeholders can take action around these critical issues.

Beyond Crisis: Learning from the Ebola Panic to Better Reach, Teach, and Reassure Employees and the Public

Presentation Resource
The 2014 Ebola panic provides a must-learn-from case study that helps us prepare for the inevitable next "epidemic"situation and improve all facets of day-to-day communications. Two veteran healthcare executives dissect what needs to change and how marketers/communicators can lead this effort.

Design and Construction: Infection Prevention for Health Care Professionals Webinar Handout

Presentation Resource
This presentation evaluates the infection risks associated with health care construction activity.

Presentation Center - Maternal Health: Better Health for Mothers and Babies

Maternal health is a priority for U.S hospitals and health systems. This downloadable PowerPoint presentation shares facts and highlights some of the challenges hospitals face and how they’re tackling them.

CDC: Coronavirus Health Care Leadership Listening Session Presentation

CDC presentation on novel coronavirus (COVID19) provided during February 20, 2020, HPHSCC teleconference.