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114 Results Found


2023 Costs of Caring

Hospitals appreciate the support and resources that Congress have provided throughout the COVID-19 pandemic; however, additional support is needed to keep hospitals strong so they can continue to provide care to patients and communities.

Members in Action Case Study: Living and Learning through COVID-19

On June 4, Lincoln County Public Health (LCPH) recorded an outbreak of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Newport, Oregon, located about 85 miles southwest of Salem, Oregon. Five of these cases were connected to Pacific Seafood and they immediately began working with LCPH to get their employees tested.

Health Care Masks: Types, Definitions, Classifications and Approved Models

AHRMM offers definitions and guidance on health care masks, including mask types and efficacies, fit testing guidelines, distributor information and certified equipment information.

Recommended Inventory Reserve Strategies

As health care emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain resiliency is a priority.

Vetted Domestic PPE Manufacturers

Supply chain teams across the U.S. continue to face supply shortages.

Companies Offering COVID-19 Supplies, Technology and Services at No Cost

AHRMM is sharing resources from organizations that we think may help you and your hospital or health system in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Supplier/Provider Reengagement After the Pandemic

As providers begin to pivot from this pandemic back to a standard model of care, now is the time for product and service suppliers to begin engagement. Below are 5 leading practices suppliers can use to engage their provider customers during the COVID-19 pandemic. 1. The right time to engage is now 2. Show understanding compassion, empathy and patience 3 & 4. Offer short- and long-term plans 5. Overall, listen. Supply chain will let you know what they need and when

Alternate Supply Channels Offering PPE and Other Critical Supplies

A list of alternate and non-traditional supply channels offering personal protective equipment (PPE).

Going Global – How Direct Sourcing Saved the Day Amid COVID-19

Consider how direct sourcing can enable access to PPE and the leading practices of building supply chain diversity and resiliency for the future in this Banner Health case study.

Beyond the Pandemic: Mitigating Supply Chain Risk and Disruption (AHA Transformation Talks)

COVID-19 has exposed the fragile nature of the health care supply chain, but it’s not the first public health crisis to do so. Michael Schiller, AHRMM's Senior Director of Supply Chain, and Richard Bagley, Senior Vice President, Chief Supply Chain Officer, Penn State Health, led the discussion on lessons learned and ways we should rethink supply chain strategies for the future.