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23 Results Found

How the Board Influences a Culture of Safety

Jamie Orlikoff, the AHA’s national adviser on governance and leadership, discusses how trustees can affect a culture of safety.

CMS suspends Hospice Special Focus Program

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Feb.

Eliminating Harm, Improving Patient Care: A Trustee Guide Video Series

The four video modules, discussion guide and self-assessment tool illustrate the important role that trustees play in the journey to improve patient care. They serve as a tool for all trustees to use as they work towards the goals of improving quality within their organizations and improving the health of their patients and communities they serve.

The Role of the Board in Medical Staff Credentialing

On-Demand Educational Webinars
This webinar from governance expert Jamie Orlikoff, explores the hospital board’s crucial responsibility for medical staff credentialing – one of the most difficult governance functions to perform effectively, and one of the most important board responsibilities for patient quality and safety. Become comfortable with the basics of credentialing and how to effectively oversee it to both protect patients and to assure fair, thorough and consistent treatment of physicians. Trustees will acquire a better understanding of the different but related processes involved in appointment and reappointment or physicians to the medical staff, and the delineation of clinical privileges.

Streamlining the Credentialing and Privileging Process

Trustee Articles
The legal authority to approve, limit or deny provider credentials and privileges is a fundamental board responsibility. Organizations that centralize and standardize this process are better prepared to meet the field’s many changes and challenges.

What Boards Need to Know About the New CMS QAPI Requirement

CMS on March 9 released changes to its interpretive guidance for the Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement (QAPI) program.

Helping Boards Have Productive Conversations about Quality of Care

Trustee Articles
Health care boards that take a broader view of “quality” and incorporate measures that reflect this understanding are better able to assess performance in the right areas.