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76 Results Found

Progress in ventilation operations standards

ASHE makes progress in bringing a new guideline to the field

Boosting sustainability through electrification

ASHE partners with Providence St. Peter Hospital to study sustainability project

Sustainability programs available for members

ASHE focuses on task forces, data gathering and ENERGY STAR application assistance

Sticking to the essentials in health care power systems

The unique needs of health care infrastructure call for a rethinking of how power system requirements are developed and managed

Understanding the NEC and its health care applications

Untangling the National Electrical Code’s articles 517, 700, 701 and 702 requirements for health care essential electrical systems

Optimizing infrastructure to reduce downtime

Employing best practices to ensure maximum reliability and efficiency in mission-critical operations

Knowing the difference between medical and instrument air

Although equally important to patient care, medical air and instrument air are not interchangeable and each should be used for distinct tasks

Keeping pace

Time to retool the biomedical engineering department?

Medical equipment budgeting

Controlling medical equipment spending for the life of a project


July 2015 Toolbox