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51 Results Found

Boosting sustainability through electrification

ASHE partners with Providence St. Peter Hospital to study sustainability project

Sustainability programs available for members

ASHE focuses on task forces, data gathering and ENERGY STAR application assistance

Sticking to the essentials in health care power systems

The unique needs of health care infrastructure call for a rethinking of how power system requirements are developed and managed

Understanding the NEC and its health care applications

Untangling the National Electrical Code’s articles 517, 700, 701 and 702 requirements for health care essential electrical systems

NFPA weekly update: Jan. 13-17

The committee for the 2026 edition of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, wrapped up public input review and voting on the code's second draft.

Solutions: Lighting, flooring and electrical products

Lighting, flooring and electrical products on our radar

ASHE recognizes 21 hospitals for exceptional environmental performance

The ASHE Energy to Care Program bestowed the designation of Sustainability Champion to a record number of hospitals in 2024

Hospital's heating and power solution continues to prove its worth

Houston Methodist Hospital continues to save millions of dollars per year after making a key investment in 2011

Maintenance practices for all-electric utilities

The growing focus on sustainability is moving organizations to strongly consider all-electric central utility plants over more traditional approaches

Rural hospital earns grant to install fuel cell system

Zero-emission power solution helps Washington state facility advance decarbonization goals