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15 Results Found

Community Health Assessment Case Studies

Case studies for the CHA Toolkit provide practical examples of CHA tactics used by hospitals, health systems and community partners across the U.S.

Community Health and Environment Stories

Collecting stories about innovative approaches and practices being used to address the environment as a driver of population health outcomes.

Community Health Assessment Supplements

Supplements for the CHA Toolkit tailor the CHA process to caregivers; older adults; and people with disabilities.

#CHIWeek Digital Engagement Toolkit

The Community Health Improvement Week digital engagement toolkit provides copy and graphics to help promote CHI Week on social media.

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Improve access, affordability and collaboration to advance health

March 2019 -- Brian Gragnolati, chair of the AHA Board of Trustees and President and CEO of Atlantic Health System, discusses in Modern Healthcare the important of improving health care access and

Ramiah’s story: How patient care and medical innovation helped her overcome obstacles

When Ramiah was born without a trachea, her care team at Penn State Health used a 3-D printer to build a replacement.

Texas Hospitals Adapt Existing Technology to Tackle Opioid Crisis

January 2019 -- Adapting existing technology, the Texas Hospital Association is helping health care providers in Texas fight the state's opioid epidemic with software that providers relevant patien

Wielding Food As Medicine

Hospitals are focusing on nutrition to care for all needs of their patients, sending them home with prescriptions as well as bags of healthy food.

Arkansas Children’s Hospital’s Social Needs Screener

October 2018—Arkansas Children’s Hospital is advancing the health of its community through its social needs screening tool, which enables the hospital to address food insecurity and other needs like housing, coverage, special education needs and parents' education.