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114 Results Found

Illuminating Mental Health Equity in Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities

May is both National Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage and Mental Health Awareness month. The AAPI communities make up about 7% of the population in the United States with more than 50 ethnic groups and speaking more than 100 languages. We are one of the fastest growing minority groups in the United States, bringing diverse cultural traditions and history to local communities.

IFDHE Online Resource Center

IFDHE welcomes you to the Online Resource Center.

Health Equity Resources

To support hospitals and health systems starting from different points on their journey to strengthen health equity, the AHA’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE) is preparing four new guidance and resource toolkits to share evidence-based practices to inform organizational next steps. Look for additional IFDHE toolkits to be released throughout 2021.

To Measure or Not to Measure: Overcoming Benchmarking Anxiety

With the biennial DEI benchmark survey now available through March 15, read AHA’s Leon Caldwell’s blog addressing the hesitancy related to taking the survey, as well as strategies to manage said anxieties. For questions related to your participation in the survey, please contact AHA’s survey support team at

Recognizing Black History Month and Continuing Our Journey to Equity and Justice

February is Black History Month, and this year’s theme – Black Health and Wellness – recognizes medical scholars and health care providers. The theme is especially timely as our nation and health care system continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Disparities Toolkit Consortium Members

David Baker, MD, MPH, FACPChief, Division of General Internal Medicine

Leadership and Education Conference

Annual Conference
A list of IFDHE national conferences through 2021.

In 2022, we were bold. In 2023, we’ll do even more.

Bold. It’s a small but powerful word to describe the efforts of the Institute of Diversity and Health Equity in 2022.

IFDHE Infographics

DEI and health equity are often conflated and used interchangeably. They have different meanings. DEI is a vital tool to promote health equity.