Rick Pollack, President and CEO, AHA

Rick Pollack Perspective 900x400 12-2023


Community Benefit, Community Partnerships, Population/Community Health, Promoting Healthy Communities

Hospitals Work in Many Ways to Help Create Healthy Communities

Beyond administering life-saving medical care to individual patients, all hospitals provide incomparable value to their communities by opening their doors to everyone who needs care, as well as working in partnership with others to improve and sustain the health of all of those in their communities.

Community Benefit, Medicare, COVID-19: Caring for Patients and Communities

Blog: Article on Charity Care Shortsighted

All hospitals and health systems, regardless of size, location and type of ownership, are deeply dedicated to caring for their patients and communities in a wide variety of ways. A report from May by the respected accounting firm EY demonstrates that for every dollar invested in non-profit hospitals and health systems through the federal tax exemption, nearly $9 in benefits is delivered back to communities.

Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems (IPPS), Outpatient Prospective Payment Systems (OPPS)

Perspective: Making Sure Hospitals Have the Resources to Care for Patients and Communities

we are deeply concerned that last week’s Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services proposed rule would increase Medicare hospital outpatient prospective payment system rates by just 2.7% in calendar year 2023 compared to 2022. Given the current historic rates of inflation and continued labor and supply cost pressures, a much higher update is warranted.

Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems (IPPS), Medicare, Advocacy & Public Policy

Perspective: Rallying Support to Prevent Medicare Cuts that Threaten Access to Care

The AHA has been making the case to CMS urging it to adjust the market-basket update to account for the unprecedented inflationary environment hospitals and health systems are experiencing, and eliminate the productivity cut. We also have asked Congress to weigh in with the agency to make these changes in its final regulation.