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91 Results Found

AHE Exchange Conference for Hospital EVS Leaders and Professionals

Exchange25 AHE Education & Solution Center is the best event for health care environmental services leaders. Learn and network with other hospital EVS professionals at this event happening June 8 - 11 in Columbus, OH!

Exchange25 Education and Solution Summit

Mark your calendars for Exchange25 Summit! The best event for health care environmental services leaders to learn and network with other hospital EVS professionals.

Getting to Near Zero with Infection Prevention

Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are a big problem in health systems across the country.

What Is a CLABSI and How to Prevent It

In this episode of the Advancing Health podcast series, Nishant Prasad, M.D., attending physician and program director of infectious diseases at NewYork-Presbyterian Queens, shares how they re-approached CLABSI prevention by deeply examining structure and process, and how their work got them to zero CLABSIs in the last year.

Webinars: Infection Prevention and Epidemiology

Browse the Association for the Health Care Environment's on-demand webinars page on the topic of infection prevention and epidemiology.

CDC announces first severe case of H5N1 bird flu

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Dec. 18 announced that a patient in Louisiana was hospitalized with a severe case of H5N1 bird flu, the first known instance of severe infection in the U.S.

UV-C Technology for Enhanced Disinfection: Show Me the Science

This webinar will cover critical topics such as the benefits of integrating enhanced disinfection technologies and the specific role of UV-C technology in reducing bioburden on surfaces.

CDC report shows decreases in certain health care-associated infections in 2023 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Nov. 6 released its annual progress report on health care-associated infections, which showed continued decreases in hospitalizations last year.

Quality Matters: Maximizing the Magic of Microfiber

This webinar is sponsored by Rubbermaid Commercial Products to discover the magic of microfiber and learn how to spot quality products from two trusted representatives within EVS and Infection Prevention.

Project Firstline

Project Firstline is CDC's collaborative with AHA and other organizations to provide infection control training and education to health care workers.